Advertising goes back a long way.

Maybe before the Stone Age where sticks and stones were manufactured to better improve performance when hunting and protecting territory from other human clans.

Pictures were drawn on rock cliffs and in caves. Were they to communicate information or meant to say “Here I am” or “Here we are”? This method of defining territory was not only the first advertising but would result in invention of writing.

Subsequent civilizations improved art to claim land using statues and structures. Previous rock art had been refined to convey information in intricate detail.

Cumbersome at first since writing required hand writing received by only a few participants.

Fast forward to printing presses. Information can now be acquired by many but how to pay for this service? Bought by those willing, but then made more affordable by advertising. This means of communication is now subsidized by those wanting to sell something to others.

Works quite well but then advent of radio. Why read something being read for you and accompanied by entertainment, provided for free with advertisers flipping the bill? Television takes it to a whole new level. Products are made so enticing by writers few can resist buying advertised produce but competition is limited to available broadcast time.

As consumers, we could only choose from advertised products presented by media or in mail. Until the computer that is. Now we search for what we want and choices are immense. Competition’s no longer restricted by space and it’s fierce.


Those who write professionally are generally thought of as authors of books, stories and magazine or newspaper articles.

Copywriting is defined as any writing that offers a product or service for sale. This might be sales or promotional letters. Promoting a business or personal service can also lead to sales. Copy can be in the form of direct or email, web content, social media, newsletters and the list goes on.

With modern internet, not many people look in phone books these days for products or services making good copy imperative.

We all write and are taught to do it early in school. But a good copywriter is generally someone who likes to write in the first place. It is not always easy organizing thoughts and present them easily understood by others.

It’s been said pen is mightier than sword. It can also be said eraser is more important than pen, meaning first few drafts are likely of little significance. Patience is required rewriting until content is something intended audiences want to read, much less made enticing to spend money.


If you are business owner, executive administrator or marketing manager it can be frustrating, confusing and exhaustive preparing content promoting business and making sales. There are many other important things to do and only twenty-four hours in a day. Wouldn’t it be nice spending more time with family at home or on vacation?

Copywriting should involve much research deriving business strengths, how they are being promoted by competition, and not only why yours is unique but better.

Good copy puts this front and center while addressing customer or client concerns and how your business solves them.

It does little good generically promising benefits if they are not top priorities. Often priority is better presented from a third person’s perspective since that’s how it’s received.

If there are complaints how products, services and guarantees are presented, you didn’t say it and can always blame the copywriter.

Rest assured.


Thunder Sense sounds like a funny name for a website offering electrical design, consulting and copywriting services. As been said, a good copywriter probably likes doing it.

Mountain ambiance provides this setting and is intended to make reading more enjoyable for visitors as well.

Much of the research needed to address the electrical profession has already been done involving many years of study, tests and hands-on experience. As the name implies, the site attempts to make sense of a very complex and complicated trade.

Whether a business person or individual wanting to discuss services or not, a short note in this website’s comment box would be appreciated if interested in receiving emails notifying when blogs or copy are added. It is guaranteed your email address will not knowingly be shared with others without prior consent. Advertising on the Thunder Sense web is also an option.

Have a Great Day!


Posted in Copy.